Follow the steps below to update your DayClock 10, model TK-E101GC, to DayClock Generations.

Note: You must also update the DayClock Agenda app on your phone or tablet afterward.

Note: Sometimes you may need to swipe the screen up or down to find an option.

  1. Use the 3-finger method to select the DayClock “Settings” menu.
  2. Swipe down the screen one or more times from the DayClock “Settings” menu until the “gear icon” appears.
  3. Select the “gear icon.” You will now enter the Android settings menu.
  4. You will see a text input field with the text “Search in the settings”.
  5. Enter the word “home app” and click on the magnifying glass to search.
  6. Select the found result “Home app” and then the option “Home app”.
  7. Select “Launcher3.”
  8. Now select the circle from the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen.
  9. Select the “Browser” (Globe). You may need to click “allow” several times until you can enter the following URL at the top of the screen.
  10. Type “” and select the right arrow (Enter) and wait for the download to complete.
  11. Select the file “dayclocks-generations.apk” from the downloads.
  12. Select “Install.”
  13. Select “Done.”
  14. Swipe down the screen one or more times until the “gear icon” appears again, and repeat steps 3 to 6 to go back to the “Home screen app” option.
  15. Select “DayClocks Generations.”
  16. Now select the circle from the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen.
  17. The DayClock Generation will now start.
  18. Follow the on-screen instructions (country selection, Wi-Fi, username, and password, etc.).
  19. The clock will now be displayed.

Note: Due to this upgrade, you need to set up your DayClock again. The steps to follow are described in the DayClocks Generations manual.

Note: Afterward, you need to log out and log back into the DayClocks Agenda app to synchronize it with the DayClock.

Note: In some cases, the display may be too large for the screen. You can correct this by following the “guide for display adjustment” mentioned.

Note: If after restarting the DayClock, the new DayClock Generations does not appear but the previous version of the DayClock, follow the procedure to remove the old DayClock software.